THIS!!!We only did 2 takes... but oh, those 2 takes felt like forever! Coz I was so conscious of every move that I made and tried so hard NOT to make mistakes coz then everyone would have to do it again. But 2 takes was quite few, I thought... I was expecting them to stop us constantly during the dance to do a re-take but we just did it twice, full-out, and that was it.
The morning began at 4:45am. I was quite zombified, no thanks to some stupid mossies who decided to have a feast on my blood the night before i.e. kept me awake almost the entire night. Bah! Arrived at the studio before 7:30am. Did the hair, then got called for breakfast. After breakfast, continued with the makeup. Now here's the part where I take at least double the time everyone else takes -- to put on my makeup. Yeah yeah, call me anal or whatever :-p but I really detest having messy makeup on. So I take forever to do my eyes, and then forever to do my dots (make sure they are precisely dotted and evenly spaced!) and by the time I'm done with my makeup, everyone else had already long finished and put on their headgear.
Then comes the process of putting on the jewelry, most of which I don't have problems with except with it comes to the earpiece. I've never worn this particular set of earpieces before even though I'd had my jewelry for a few years now. Coz everytime I try to insert the post into my earlobes, it wouldn't go in coz the post is just too big! So the day before the shoot, I tried it again and managed to to get the right side in. But the left side just wouldn't go in!! So I had to get my trusty mom to help me with it and she came up with the ingenius idea of rubbing baby oil on my earlobe and the earring post, which made it a whole lot easier to be inserted (though it still hurt like mad!). And the hook that goes around the top of the ear? I didn't even dare touch that part after I'd put it on the next day, coz each time I did, it hurt double mad!!! My poor ears were throbbing after the shoot :-(
Anyway, it was a good experience. At least I got into a TV studio once in my whole life... hehe... :-D
One more show tomorrow... and I'm done! YAY! Need rest... pooped to the bone... zzzzzzzz.....