Anticipated Serendipity II

Monday, March 19, 2007

Any updates???

Life's pretty quiet... schedule's back to normal.

Same ol' news in the papers, same ol' gripes about the people running the country (will it ever improve??)...

Generally restless... hmm...

Started Pilates. I find it quite good, though I need to work on the exercises outside of class in order to enjoy the benefits. I just learnt that the muscles on our least used limbs are more flexible than those that we use more often. For example, I'm a leftie so my left muscles are less flexible than my right... coz my right muscles are less used and therefore, are more flaccid. Haha! Seriously, I didn't know this :-p

But my knees are giving me problems now, ever since Spellbound rehearsals. At first, I thought it was just normal strain from the extra work but it got steadily worse. So now I have to take a break from Odissi for a few weeks to recuperate. Sigh... :-(

Bleh... am stuffed, bored, and getting sleepy now... *yawn*


What about you? Anything new happening in your life???


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