Bunch of Clowns...
... and that's being very generous.
~Shahbudin Yahaya (BN-Permatang Berangan), state Islamic Religious Council President (quoted from TheSun, Friday, May 25 2007).
I've never paid attention to politics in the country until recently, where there have been so many ludicrous happenings in our Parliament/Cabinet sessions and the way the government is handling various issues in the country. It's quite difficult to ignore them when they are in the headlines every single day. Really, I didn't know our government is so happening, man!
So apparently, according to that man named above, it is women's responsibility to ensure that we do not create lustful feelings in men. OK, so this is not the first time our Stone-Age MPs have made such sexist remarks. Nor would they be the last, seeing that these same types of morons keep getting elected into office.
First of all, I think this fella has tremendously little self control, if he says that just seeing a sexily dressed woman will make him lustful. Which is quite ironic seeing that he IS the state Islamic Religious Council President. I thought among all people, all these religious leaders are supposed to be role models to their followers, and as such, be able to resist temptations more easily than an average man. Well, to be fair, he didn't say that HE would be lustful but men in general, but then again, he must've had some experience since he made the remark and he must've made the remark based on some evidence, right?
Secondly, everyone has their own definition of sexy and decent dressing. A man who's in the "lustful" state of mind, would probably think a tudung-clad, baju kurung-wearing female is sexy. Just look at the number of rape/molest cases and what the victims were wearing they were sexually assaulted.
Seriously, I just feel like slapping all these stupid MCP MPs. OK, that was a very childish comment but really, I feel like they just need a good whacking coz they don't have the brains/common sense (see, no common sense again! It's like a trend these days) to think logically. So talking like civilized adults just won't work with them coz all of them are led by their dicks.
Geez, from the bocor issue, to comparing the dilapidated state of the Parliament with the looks of a 50-year-old woman, to comparing new brides with toilets, our MPs are such a joke.
Hey people! You want to see clowns in action??? Come to Malaysia and just listen to our MPs talk!
Oh Oh... guess what? Our govt. has decided to hire someone to help teach M'sians how to keep toilets clean! (TheSun, Friday, May 25 2007, Pg. 25) Woopee! We are a developing nation with the world's tallest building (at one point in time) and the biggest this and longest that, but we don't know how to keep our toilets clean so we need someone to teach us how to do it! Hahahahahah! *falls off chair laughing*
...sexual predators do not just decide to rape. They could be encouraged by their environment every day of seeing sexily dressed women. So I feel that it is better that women dress decently.
I am just voicing my personal opinion that women should not dress indecently as this could create lustful feelings in men.
Women who dressed indecently were also sexually harassing men.
~Shahbudin Yahaya (BN-Permatang Berangan), state Islamic Religious Council President (quoted from TheSun, Friday, May 25 2007).
I've never paid attention to politics in the country until recently, where there have been so many ludicrous happenings in our Parliament/Cabinet sessions and the way the government is handling various issues in the country. It's quite difficult to ignore them when they are in the headlines every single day. Really, I didn't know our government is so happening, man!
So apparently, according to that man named above, it is women's responsibility to ensure that we do not create lustful feelings in men. OK, so this is not the first time our Stone-Age MPs have made such sexist remarks. Nor would they be the last, seeing that these same types of morons keep getting elected into office.
First of all, I think this fella has tremendously little self control, if he says that just seeing a sexily dressed woman will make him lustful. Which is quite ironic seeing that he IS the state Islamic Religious Council President. I thought among all people, all these religious leaders are supposed to be role models to their followers, and as such, be able to resist temptations more easily than an average man. Well, to be fair, he didn't say that HE would be lustful but men in general, but then again, he must've had some experience since he made the remark and he must've made the remark based on some evidence, right?
Secondly, everyone has their own definition of sexy and decent dressing. A man who's in the "lustful" state of mind, would probably think a tudung-clad, baju kurung-wearing female is sexy. Just look at the number of rape/molest cases and what the victims were wearing they were sexually assaulted.
Seriously, I just feel like slapping all these stupid MCP MPs. OK, that was a very childish comment but really, I feel like they just need a good whacking coz they don't have the brains/common sense (see, no common sense again! It's like a trend these days) to think logically. So talking like civilized adults just won't work with them coz all of them are led by their dicks.
Geez, from the bocor issue, to comparing the dilapidated state of the Parliament with the looks of a 50-year-old woman, to comparing new brides with toilets, our MPs are such a joke.
Hey people! You want to see clowns in action??? Come to Malaysia and just listen to our MPs talk!
Oh Oh... guess what? Our govt. has decided to hire someone to help teach M'sians how to keep toilets clean! (TheSun, Friday, May 25 2007, Pg. 25) Woopee! We are a developing nation with the world's tallest building (at one point in time) and the biggest this and longest that, but we don't know how to keep our toilets clean so we need someone to teach us how to do it! Hahahahahah! *falls off chair laughing*
i've actually seen these lustful morons undress a totally tudung-clad friend of mine visually. made my hair stand on end. i just wanted sich them an upper-cut so bad. they're all useless pigs!
Ashkarya, at May 25, 2007 1:36 PM
tsk tsk... dun insult the pigs lar. They are much much cleaner, better-looking, and much better behaved than all these self-proclaimed pious, religious leaders. I'm sure if given the chance, pigs would definitely treat women much better than our male MPs.
Ai Ling, at May 25, 2007 2:00 PM
i love pigs.. they taste great..
ryuu, at May 29, 2007 4:48 PM
ryuu : i'm sure u do :-p
Ai Ling, at May 29, 2007 10:36 PM
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