Anticipated Serendipity II

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Would you adopt?

So I was reading this blog where the writer was talking about adoption. Of kids, that is.

I was and am never one who goes all crazy and google-eyed when I see babies. When I happen to be around babies (cousins' babies, friends' babies, etc.), I would silently pray "Please dun ask me me if I want to hold him/her. I can't say no else I will sound rude but I dun want to hold the baby!" Mainly coz they seem so fragile and me being the klutz that I am, I would be so paranoid about "breaking" the child and then have the whole entire family come after me.

But I don't hate kids. I'm ok with them, as long as they don't bug the hell outta me.

So far, my biological clock hasn't been screaming at me to start reproducing and neither has my maternal instinct started getting me all misty-eyed around those little creatures we call children (thank gawd!). But if some day I ever decide I want to try motherhood, I would give adoption a consideration.

Why? Firstly, because humans are overproducing as it is. I read in the papers a few weeks ago, there were like, 400,000+ births in M'sia alone in one of the recent years! I don't know if that's a huge figure, but it certainly sounds like A LOT of births to me. Secondly, like homeless animals, there are a lot of orphans out there who are starved of love and affection. My thought is, why not channel my love and affection to a few of these orphans and try to give them a better life, rather than add to the whole menagerie of humans. Thirdly, I've never felt the need to have my own child. I can't quite comprehend when people tell me there's nothing like having your own child. I mean, if I like children, why can't I adopt since there're so many of them available. Maybe it's something that can only be experienced when one is actually IN that situation. I don't know.

But I think my underlying justification towards adoption is just the need to do something to help one or two orphaned children to have a better life, if ever I have the means to. You know, like how I always preach about adopting pets from an animal shelter rather than buying them pedigreed from a breeder or pet shop.

That's not to say that I don't like people who reproduce or that I think people shouldn't reproduce. Not at all. Each to his/her own, I say. Anyway, I didn't say that I'm totally ruling out actually having my own kid some day *gasp!*

Just don't come up to me and tell me that my eggs are getting older by the year and that I should start making babies right now.


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