A few days ago, over lunch, JFK did a simple numerology reading for a few of us. My Life Path is a 9 (sum of birth date reduced to a single digit). According to JFK, I'm a HUGE flirt and a survivor i.e. I can overcome anything that's thrown my way. Me, being my usual inquisitive self, decided to check out more on numerology (it does sound quite interesting) on the net. Came across a couple of interesting sites that explained in detail, the whole deal on numerology:
I guess the main reason numerology piqued my curiosity was coz it had to do with numbers, and numbers always make sense to me in that there's always a logical reason behind a number e.g. 1+1 is always = 2 and such. Though Calculus formulas never made sense to me, at least there was always a systematic approach to reaching the final figure.
Anyway, there was a whole looonggg write-up on the Life Path of Nines, as they called it, some of which are as follows:
- The keys to the nature of a Life Path number 9 person are compassion, generosity, and a very humanitarian attitude
- Usually this number produces an individual that is very trustworthy and honorable, and one unlikely to harbor any sort of prejudice
- A person that feels very deeply for individuals less fortunate than yourself
- The 9, being the highest of the single digit numbers, holds an elevated position and poses certain responsibilities. The purpose of life for those with a 9 life path is of a philosophical nature. Judges, spiritual leaders, healers and educators frequently have much 9 energy.
- The number 9's very deep understanding of life is sometimes manifested in the artistic and literary fields. Here you may be able to express your deep emotional feelings through painting, writing, music, or other art forms.
- You have the ability to make friends very easily, as people are attracted to your magnetic, open personality. You have a special gift of understanding people, which if used correctly can be of great benefit to others. Your interest in people tends to make you quite social. People just naturally like you because you are so sympathetic, tolerant and broad-minded. *i wonder if this relates to the FLIRTING bit that JFK mentioned coz I tried a few others sites but none mentioned anything abt 9s being a flirt! lol!*
- It is not uncommon for persons with the 9 life path to fight the realities and challenges of purpose imposed here because selflessness is not an easy trait. You may have difficulty believing that giving and a lack of personal ambition can be satisfying. It must be realized and accepted that little long-term satisfaction and happiness is to be gained by rejecting the natural humanitarian inclinations of this path.
- The Nine holds the vibration of universal love. It teaches us how to accept each other. By having such a vast overview, the nine becomes a bridge to many qualities like:
- creativity
- imagination
- benevolence
- impersonality
- intuition
- philanthropy
- emotion
- generosity
- devotion
- dedication
After class on Tue, the salsa gurus showed us a flyer for a salsa competition that's coming up in Nov. After much bantering around, we were like, 'hey, why dun we enter the competition?'... sooooooo, wat we have right now is Wen + Kenneth, me + Chin Lai... and a few other couples on the list of competitors! Lol! Gawd, I can't believe I'm actually gonna be doing this! Am gonna be such a clown coz (1) I can't spin for nuts; and (2) I can't groove for nuts either! Let's just hope I dun make that big a fool of myself that I can't show my face in the salsa scene anymore after the competition, hehe. I guess it'd be a good experience... and if we take it more as a 'fun' thing, it won't be as pressurizing? Oh well... I did mention before that I like performing... so this is my chance! haha!
Gawd, sometimes the Finance/HR ppl just drive me up the wall! Was just asking them when would this agreement that I'd sent in a month or so ago be stamped and was it ready coz the vendor's asking me abt it. All I got an impatient response that it wasn't ready and I'll be informed when it's ready. I'm like, 'WTF?!' I asked u a simple question and u bite my head off? Hallo?! It's been sent in for more than a freakin mth! And u can't even tell me WHEN it will be ready! Geez... I can't believe this... I always work around dates and timelines, the least u could do is at least let me know when the hell the thing would be ready so I can inform the corresponding parties appropriately. Sometimes, they act like they're such Gods and we're all just at their beck-and-call... sheeesshhh...