Anticipated Serendipity II

Friday, December 02, 2005

The Year That Was...

Thread inspired by Chin Lai's entry in his blog.

Can't believe that 2005 is almost over... gawd, time does indeed fly by when u aren't looking or when u're too busy to notice.

Wat have I done this year and wat events that have been encountered that added to my book of experiences??? Hhhmmm... and the list goes...

  1. Performed in the annual Alarippu to Moksha series for Odissi and Bharatanatyam for the very first time this year. Our very first paying audience! :o)
  2. Got a promotion (sorta) and a 15% increment.
  3. Visited India... the most amazing and memorable travel experience EVER thus far!
  4. Got to know an amazing bunch of friends from salsa.
  5. My birthdate was 05/05/05... a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence which will never again happen... until yr 3005... ;o) by which I'd be long gone, unless I get reincarnated in some other form and if the Earth hasn't disintegrated/combusted by then...haha...
  6. For the very first time, been told that I look arrogant and stuck-up! (Fyi, I just LOOK it... am actually very very down-to-earth, hehe)
  7. My entire dept (CSI) team members left and I was a lone-ranger for about 4 months. Have now been transferred to Sales & Marketing (yeecckkss... thank gawd I'm still Project Manager and not responsible for selling).
  8. Moved seating location at work, 3 times in less than 1 year... I HATE moving!
  9. Busted my ankle at a client's place and had to lay off dancing for 3 weeks and was in agonizing pain each time I went for my massage therapy (torn ligament, apparently).
  10. Co. got listed and I stepped into Bursa Malaysia for the first time in my life (it wasn't as I'd expected... I'd imagined it to be like the NYSE but it was nowhere near!)
  11. The entire work experience this year has been mostly positive. Though I complain abt it a lot, I will give credit where it's due... it's taught me to be more independent and confident of myself and I'm much more assertive now, thanks to all that I've been thru with my work.
  12. Turned down an attractive job offer coz it wasn't wat I'd wanted to do...
  13. Entered a salsa competition and managed to make it to the finals!!!!! Woo hooooo!!! Never ever imagined that I'd be entering any sort of competition, let alone a salsa competition... hehe...
  14. Had 2 crushes/infatuations after 1.5-yr drought... 1 was a lost cause (thank gawd!)... the other was given up as a lost cause but there may be a slight hint of light at the end of the tunnel... but this remains to be seen :o) Perhaps I shouldn't call it as an infatuation, am rather old to have infatuations, no? haha! In conclusion, no concrete prospects in sight...
  15. Discovered Joe Satriani, guitarist extraordinaire... great music...

List to be expanded as and when more events come back to my mind...


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