Anticipated Serendipity II

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Countdown : 7 days!!

Yikes!!! 7 more days to the 2nd heats of the Conlay Salsa Competition!! *biting nails* Gawd, I'm getting more freaked out by the day! *deep breath* I'm more concerned abt NOT making a fool of myself on the dance floor than anything else! lol! I just wanna do a clean routine and even if we dun get into the finals, that's fine... as long as our routine is clean...

Yesterday, we checked out CL's costume at the costume place but the suit that he tried on didn't look good on him at all coz it was too big and it made him look sloppy. Soooooo... we've decided to have him wear his own suit with a red shirt and Sam's lycra pants. Wow!! He looked HOT! Lol! (CL, dun get a big head! :p) I swear, with the pants and the jacket, he looked inches taller and stood straighter! lol! So I've come to the conclusion that clothes DO maketh a person... haha! We've gotta go shopping this weekend for a red shirt for him... after that, we're set to go... oh, and of course, daily practice sessions till D-DAY! :o) Tis amazing the amount of time and effort we have to put in just for a 3-min performance...

Last nite's session turned out to be hilarious, wat with CL trying on his suit/costumes... and for some reason, we both just burst out laughing throughout practice for no apparent reason! lol! (I think it was the pants! haha!) This is good... we need to relax more... or rather, I need to relax more (yes yes, CL, i know... it's ME!). Sigh... wat to do, my usual perfectionist self is rearing its head again... always happens whenever I have to do a show, wat more a competition. I'm sure a lot of ppl haven't seen me this uptight before! lol! Hang in there k, CL... I'll be back to my normal self after next Thu! ;o)

Tonite, am gonna head over to Conlay to check out the 1st heats so that i'll have an idea of wat goes on and try to minimize any surprises next week. Gawd, I'm soooooooo freakin tired! Am contemplating skipping tonite's Odissi but I have to skip next week's as well coz of the competition soooooo... hmmm... I think I should attend tonite's class... oh but I'm sooooooooooooo exhausted!! :o(


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