Anticipated Serendipity II

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Big hair and psychedelic clothes...

The co. had our IPO dinner last Friday at the Equatorial in KL. The theme was Retro. I'd initially planned to rent a poodle skirt from the same costume store that I'd rented my salsa outfit but when I checked it out, their selection sucked big time! Can u believe that they dun even have a proper poodle skirt?! Geez...

So anyway, had to change my plans... so decided on my white mini, sleeveless
turtleneck top (which I'd bought from Express in the States but never worn), leopard print headband (thanks, Brian! ;o) ), and funky earrings. And the result -->

That's me and Celine. Got a few comments that I looked really good (hah! obviously it's a tremendous diff from my regular work clothes!). But wat really took the prize was our IT boys! They took the effort to dress up! Was quite impressed, hehe. They went to the very same costume store and rented some really funky outfits! Kelvin came as Austin Powers, complete with wig and big glasses while Nizam came in another funky flourescent green outfit and afro wig. Me and the boys <--

The Big People (i.e. management) came in more subtle outfits. Datuk was there as well, with a few other VIP guests. All in all, it was a pretty informal affair. Dinner, karaoke contest (MNC Idol), games...

Pic 1 : MNC Management

Pic 2 : Me and Jas (CEO and my boss!)

Pic 3 : Jo, Me, Lionel, Tony, Chris (ED)

Pic 4: Me & Charmayne

Pic 5 : Charmayne, Jo, Me


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