Anticipated Serendipity II

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stoopid humans

Some people just have no compassion and no sense of civic duty.

There are stray cats around my condo grounds. Me and my family feed them. In addition to that, we get them spayed or neutered so they don't reproduce, and release them back where we caught them. With this bunch of "resident" cats, it minimizes the infestation of stray cats coz these cats have "claimed" the area and other newcomers would think twice about invading their territory. This is not just coming from me, studies on the benefits of the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) method of managing stray populations have proved this.

However, the people who live in this same place that I do, all they know how to do is complain complain complain about the stray cats and not do anything to help the situation. I'm losing my patience with these people who can complain and complain about the cats scratching their cars but are doing NOTHING to help the situation! So what if it's a flashy car? At the end of the day it's just a piece of overpriced metal that depreciates by the day. The only reason the cats sleep on it is coz it's warm and seeing that they have no homes, they have to find someplace warm to keep themselves alive. Why can't people comprehend simply animal survival instincts?? My dad was doing his rounds last nite and bumped into this resident who kept complaining the cats are a nuisance. My dad told him he has no conscience. Way to go, Dad! Gawd, I cannot tahan these people! They don't even know that we are spending the time and money to get these animals fixed for THEIR (the humans) benefit as well!

Seriously, these people can buy their flashy cars and spend large amounts of money on ridiculous things but they don't THINK of the simple things they can do to help the strays. No one's asking them to go out and save all the animals. Just put a little effort to think what they can do to make their community a better place. The stray problem is NOT going to disappear overnight as long as there are still unfixed strays out there and people are still allowing their pets to breed indisriminately. And getting management to capture the strays and dump them somewhere else is NOT a solution coz that's just throwing the problem somewhere else and making it some other community's problem.

These people earn tens of thousands a month vs. me, who earns less than 5K a month. Do you know how difficult it is to want to try to get these cats fixed but having to watch my pennies each time? And having to have to limit the number of cats that I can get fixed each month? I don't think what I'm doing is extraordinary or noble. I just want to make things better for both the strays and the people who live alongside with the strays. And to stop the stupid residents who only know how to complain from complaining even more! Every time I hear of someone complaining, I'd get really anxious and I dread the day when the management will show up with the wire cages and catch the cats and dump them goodness-knows-where.

I know some like-minded individuals who are doing the same as well i.e. spaying/neutering strays animals. But for every one of us, there are like, 100 other people who only know how to complain complain complain and who care more about their flashy cars and expensive hobbies. There's nothing wrong to have fancy cars and expensive hobbies. But just THINK about those less fortunate than you, and I'm not just referring to the human ones but also the four-legged ones. THINK, when you are in your warm bed and dry clothes on a rainy night, there are kittens and puppies shivering out there without shelter. THINK, when you are driving your fancy, air-conditioned car, there are hundreds of cats and dogs risking their lives and becoming roadkill when they make a wrong estimate and decide to cross right in front of your flashy car.

But more often than not, this person driving his/her flashy would be more concerned about the damage caused to his/her car rather than the badly injured/mangled animal lying on the road.

A lot of times, people make me sick. You'd think we were given the ability to think and feel in order for us to make the world a better place for us and every living being. But no, we only use our brains (WHEN we even use it) for our own good.

One of the residents here has someone in the family who is pregnant and who isn't supposed to be around cats. They have 3 young cats. Or rather, had. What did they do? They kicked the cats out of the house and the cats are now living at the guard house at my condo. Sooner or later, some residents is going to do what they do best. COMPLAIN. And now I'm trying to rush to see if I can find homes for them before the management decides to catch them and dump them. They are such young things and are very friendly. And it is so unfair for them to have to pay for their humans being such assholes who treat them like objects they can keep and dump at their pleasure. Gggggrrrrrrrr, it makes me soooooo MAD!!!

And people who claim they are so pious and religious but show no empathy at all towards animals?? Bah! Don't preach to me how good you are and how you follow all God's words if you can't even show compassion to a four-legged living creature. Didn't God say that we should be kind to ALL living creatures?

Some day, I hope all the animals will revolt against humans and take control of the world. And do to the humans, what the humans did to them.



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