Anticipated Serendipity II

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Random Thoughts on a Thursday Afternoon

Gaaahhh!! I'm having this persistent cough that just won't go away!! All coz of the stupid haze... gggrrrrr...

Last nite was bad... was coughing and coughing till I couldn't get to sleep...


Feels like a perpetual itch in my throat... so agonizing!

*cough cough* I'm coughing my guts out... blurgh *pieces of unidentifiable gut comes hurtling out of my mouth*


What makes a person determine whether another person could be a potential partner???

After going thru the checklist on the usual physical and personality traits, the next criteria on my list would be to see if being with the person would make my life more positive i.e. at the risk of sounding cliched, someone who'd make me a better person and who'd bring more life to my life, so to speak.

My logic is, if a person with whom you're planning to spend the rest of your life doesn't have that sort of impact in your own life, then the relationship wouldn't be very meaningful and the possibility of it lasting would likely be low.

Another criteria would be to see if the person would stick by me, not only during the good times, but more so during the bad times. This story was shared by Bee Suan during her 'interrogation' session when we organized her hen nite. We'd asked her what was one of the nicest things that her future hubby had done for her (or some similar question)... and she'd replied that one of it was that during the early days of their courtship, he'd driven all the way to Johor (she was studying there then) on her birthday and brought her flowers. Naturally, us gals went "Awwwwww..." when she told us that story. But what really touched me was what she added after, that he'd been there for her during the tough times when her father got ill and eventually passed away. She teared up when she was telling us this, and I could see that it really meant a lot to her that he'd stuck by her, encouraged her and motivated her to move on with her life. She'd said "U wanna know if a guy's really good? See if he sticks around when things get tough"... and that comment has stayed with me since then. And I think it's a fair criteria for anyone to expect of their potential life partners. Who would want a partner who'd take off as soon as things get tough?

Hhmm... I think my cats need a shower...

Sunny weather today so they can dry themselves off on the balcony.



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