Anticipated Serendipity II

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Stupidity and What-Nots...

In this day and age, I'd like to think that I have enough common sense NOT to make silly and careless mistakes.

But sometimes, I do slip up and then can't help but worry about the consequences of "What if...?", the worst-case scenarios playing in my mind endlessly until I feel like hitting my head against the wall, not that that's gonna help anything.

And sometimes, the fear that comes with it is so terrifying to the point that it almost suffocates me.


Note to self: Must.Not.Make.Stupid.And.Avoidable.Mistakes

I broke our mop yesterday... but it was old and the wood was rotting from the regular usage.

I'm not THAT strong... hehe...

What is your biggest fear? I think one of my biggest fears, in addition to being a failure (at anything), is to be a disappointment and failure to my parents, the people who'd brought me up to be the person I am today and to whom I'm eternally grateful for all the opportunities and support that they've given me throughout my life. Therefore, must work hard to ensure this doesn't happen.

Another fear that I have is to lose control of my life (can't imagine how yet, at this point in time) and an irrational fear of worms and any creepy-crawlies that are slimy. Yecckk... *shudder*

Managed to get thru Week 1 of Unemployment without driving myself or anyone else crazy



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