Anticipated Serendipity II

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Who Do We Think We Are???

I totally agree with his/her views on how our so-called wildlife experts handle human-wildlife conflict.

You can refer to the hardcopy of The Star, 10th October 2006, Page N45 to see the picture of the said crocodile, with all its limbs and head bound in such indignity... just coz it was following its survival instincts.

Yes, it's tragic when human lives are lost to these wild animals but do we ever stop to think why the animals are driven to attack humans? Do we even stop to think, whenever we clear forests and swamps to build our bungalows, apartments, and link houses, that we're encroaching on the land that they depend upon for their survival?

Oh no, we don't ever think that far. We just clear land and build and build, and when the inevitable happens i.e. these wild animals are driven to attack humans for their survival, we get angry and condemn these animals to their death.

Remember a few years ago when some govt. official put out the order to have any tiger shot and killed after it attacked a human? Even though tigers are extremely endangered animals? And the order was apparently approved by our very own wildlife dept, whose very existence is supposed to be to provide solutions to manage human-wildlife coexistence and NOT just send out orders to kill any wild animal that happens to attack a human for its survival. Heck, if that's the case, we dun even need a wildlife dept!

See, animals' minds dun work like us humans. They attack for survival; we, on the other hand, are capable of premeditated murder. So if that's the case, why dun we kill each and every human who's murdered another human being instead of spending tax payers' hard-earned money to rehabilitate these criminals?

If we really wanted to, if the relevent officials really wanted to, we can find solutions to manage human-wildlife coexistence. It's been proven to work in other countries. But see, our relevent officials are just too busy with making money from building this development and approving that development. So whenever something like this happens, they just need to send out an order "Bunuh saja semua buaya/harimau/gajah/[insert a wild animal] kat sana tu." Easy peasy... and they dun even need to do the work themselves.

It just makes me sick. Each time an innocent animal gets killed coz it had to do something to survive and another stupid Mat Rempit is loose on our roads, makes me even sicker. Who's more dangerous, u tell me now.....


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