Anticipated Serendipity II

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rant and Rave

*deep breath* Gotta hang in there for at least another 10 months...

I just dun understand why some ppl won't take ownership of their own work and tasks. I mean, like, grow up already! U're in charge of something, then just make sure it gets done without requiring any pushing and prodding.

I also dun understand why some ppl always must make things difficult when, at the end of the day, we're all working towards the same goal i.e. work our asses off to generate more and more and more revenue for our employer... and sit on our hands and hope that we'd be given a minute slice of it at the end of the year.

And I dun understand why we always have to say YES to everyone who comes to us when other ppl who are supposed to support us can say NO or make it so difficult for us to implement our YES.

And I'm even angrier at myself for letting myself be affected by such pricks. Gotta.Grow.Thicker.Skin.And.Stuff.It.All.Back.Into.Their.Faces!!!!

So tiring, groveling and begging ppl to do stuff... geeez... like I owe them my life *rolling eyes*

Odissi today was great! Ramli took our class after a long absence and we had an awesome workout. After his warm-up session, we were all already sweating, even before we started our chowkas. I really enjoy his classes, even though we get reprimanded when we dun do our moves correctly. He's strict but we actually put in more effort when he takes our classes.

Mei Mei's lucky that she's able to QUIT HER JOB to focus on dancing full-time. I wish I had that luxury... well, not really luxury lar, I'm sure she has her issues to deal with when she made the decision. But then to be able to do something u love day in and day out, even though it's really hard work (dancing is not at all about ppl just prancing around on stage doing weird poses; it's about technique and discipline in mastering the steps, and that's only part of the picture), u get a sense of achievement that u'd actually accomplished something at the end of the day, even more so coz it's wat u really love to do.

When I'm in dance class, those couple of hrs just takes my mind off everything else that's going on in my life -- especially the not-so-good things like stress and other worries. The feeling of putting my total concentration on executing the moves and working on my abhinaya is just exhilarating. And it does require total concentration or else sooner or later, I'd either make a mistake or lose my abhinaya when a stupid worry or thought abt other things (mainly work) start creeping into my mind. Not like I dun have enough of it during the day, huh?

So anyway, I had a great class today. I hope Ramli takes our class more often but he's got a tour coming up so he'll probably be gone for a couple of months. Even though the senior dancers know their stuff and class is a bit more relaxed with them, it's still the best when the Master takes over.

Oh, he has 6 new puppies and they are soooooooooo adorable!!! :o)

Gotta hang in there for another 10 months... I cannot, must not, WILL NOT FAIL!!!!! Grraaarrrr!!! *snarling and showing my fangs*


Owww!! My feet are becoming a banquet for the stupid mossies!!


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