Anticipated Serendipity II

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Odissi Saree vs Practice Saree

Am in my Odissi mood... got a couple more pics from last year's Navarathri.

Ramli and I

Sam and I

She's wearing the traditional Odissi saree while I have on the practice saree. The pants of the traditional Odissi outfit is actually a saree piece that's tied up into pants. I always forget how to tie it coz we only ever use it once a year and from the looks of it, maybe not even once since we've all got the Sutra practice saree, which we're normally required to wear for performances. Unless Ramli decides that he wants us to wear the Odissi saree... which I think is more interesting and something different from the practice saree... plus the Odissi saree is less restrictive than the practice saree coz it doesn't have that piece that drapes over the shoulder.


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