Never Been Tagged... up to now, that is
I've been tagged!!! I've been tagged!!!! Oh wow!!! I'm not a Tag Virgin anymore (thanks for the term and the tag, Winn... hehe). Can u believe that I didn't know how tagging works?? Sorry lar, not the very smart person here... ehehe...
Here goes...
Current time : 10:44am (my PC clock), 10:47am (wall clock to my right), 10:51am (my watch)
What i am wearing : Black Padini work jacket (so blurdy cold in the ofc), white long-sleeved workshirt (can't remember wat brand), black MNG workpants, my trusty ol' Teva slippers (they're off now, am barefoot at my desk), 2 rings (one on each middle finger), my Tag Heuer, crystal pendant, and my brand new FCUKs!!
Something out of the ordinary on my desk : uumm... uummm... i dun see anything extraordinary wor *craning head to left and right* My desk is messy as usual, papers covering almost the entire desk. Well, my Thermos is not on my desk, where it normally is. It's on my side table... that one can count ah??
Current fave song : SongS can ah??? Far Away by Nickelback, Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt, Check On It by Beyonce featuring Slim Thug and Bun B from the Pink Panther soundtrack (very catchy, annoying almost... haha! I catch myself doing shoulder rolls to it when I hear it on the radio while in the car)
Last thing consumed : 2 teaspoons Nescafe Gold Blend + 3 teaspoons sugar + 3 teaspoons CoffeeMate + 3/4 cup of hot water
Last phone call received : at 10+ am from Adrienne... asking abt mobile content
Current annoyance :
- One vendor is not answering my call to confirm a training session. I get the "Out of coverage" message. She was supposed to call me YESTERDAY.
- One client is not answering my calls and she owes me a winners' list plus payment of RM10K.
- Finance is on my back re. item #2 above.
- Stupid revenue reports for project (item #2) above does not tally with the actual transactions and I have to go thru telco by telco and verify. Give me additional work only, hmph.
- Stupid f**king M'sian drivers (especially the ones with the modified cars with the super loud exhaust (?) i.e. the ah beng kind) who, even in heavy traffic, drive like maniacs and try to overtake every single car like their asses are on fire but then end up stuck in the queue like the rest of us. Hah, PADAN MUKA! See, how fast can u go, morons???
Plans for the day/evening :
- Original plan : head home after work, have dinner, shower, watch a couple of episodes of House, MD
- Revised plan : head over to studio to stand in as part-time receptionist for my sis, who is sick today, from 8-9pm. Still trying to decide if I should have dinner out or in. Already told mom would be home for dinner... hhhmmm...
okie... who should i tag now??? Oooooooo, Winn!! This is my Virgin Tag too!!! But but... I dun have that many bloggers on my list to tag... sad sad... :o(
I shall tag *drum roll*
- My sister! Ahahah!!! Since u're sick and nothing to do at home, lemme give u something to do. Seeee... I'm sooo kind :p
- CL, since u're almost always bored at work :p Give u something to do also... hehe...
Ok...ok... enuf... back to work...ssssshhhhh!!!
AL, thanks for 'doing your homework'. wah Most of your annoyance are work related ehhhhh.
so now, u have my 'first', and i have yours. Hmmm!! kinky :p
:p catch you when m back. be good :)
Winn, at February 22, 2006 11:42 PM
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