Anticipated Serendipity II

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Damn Darth Vader!

Argh!!! I was chased by Darth Vader and he killed me with this funky-looking gun-like weapon... in my dream last nite...

The Result : an extremely sleep-deprived me, today... my head is starting to pound from the lack of restful sleep last nite, no thanks to Darth let-me-freakin-sleep-Vader... blurgh...

I dunno why but I seem to have an overactive subconscious mind when I'm asleep. I get to sleep fine (no insomnia here) but I always have dreams when I sleep. Like last nite. When out of nowhere, Darth Vader appeared in my dream and chased me and killed me. Hmph. And I haven't even been watching any Star Wars movies and am not a Star Wars fan.

Maybe I should borrow the BIL's light saber and sleep with it beside me so I can stick it up Darth get-outta-my-dream-Vader's @$$ the next time he appears. Hmph. Kacau only.


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