Anticipated Serendipity II

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Keeping up appearances...

I've always wondered... why do some ppl have this perpetual need to portray/present to others, a certain type of front/facade rather than allow themselves to be who/wat they are comfortable with? I, for one, have learnt over the years that no matter how 'well' we 'behave', there will always be some person who will talk and let their imagination run wild over why so-and-so acts this way or that. And there are some ppl who choose to think badly of us no matter how saintly our heart is. So wat's the point of putting on a 'show' just for the sake of others?

FrankIy, I dunno why ppl are so nosy in the first place. How another person chooses to portray him/herself to the public should be of no concern to others as long as the person is good at heart and is not harming others. As for me, I care jackshit abt wat ppl think and if those ppl really wanna know the truth, they can jolly well come and ask me directly rather than gossip abt it behind my back. If they dun, well, they can say watever they wanna say. I'm not abt to live my life based on wat others may be thinking/assuming my actions to be...


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