Anticipated Serendipity II

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Disoriented, maybe??

Haissshh... I'm quite tired of going for interviews for now. Not that I've been to many (me being so picky and all with my applications)... but each interview session just about saps the energy from me coz it takes quite a bit of effort to impress people who may be my potential bosses.

After all is said and done, a lot of times we cannot determine if a place or person is right for us until we've actually tried it out. No matter how much interviewing/evaluation is done prior to getting into the situation, we can only get the actual picture when we've actually tried out the place or person with both feet in.

Sometimes the outcome is not as good as what you'd expected (as what I'd recently learnt) but other times, it could be the opposite. At the end of the day, it's all a learning process. Never try, never know, rite??

Why am I talking about this??? Haish, I dunno! I think I'm just a bit disoriented from an interview I had today. I don't think I was in my "interview mindframe" so I'm rather dazed, haha... also coz I'm having to evaluate some rather important questions about myself, that may or may not result in a positive outcome... sigh...

BUT some things will return to "normal" (if I can call it that) starting tomorrow!!!!!!!!! :-D


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