Thru a Wineglass
I know I know... it's late but I've been lazy, hehe...
So yes, we went for dinner at Seven Ate Nine at Ascott. The place is not too bad, ambience-wise. U've got a view of the Twin Towers. And the food's quite tasty and not too astronomically priced. Around Souled Out range. The Sang Har Mee was quite good (u get 1.5 large prawns) and the Tom Yam Fettucine was also good. Serving portion was medium to large, at least, for me.
Their Vodka Lychee is yuuuummmm! Their Sangria, according to the others, was a bit strong.
ok... cut the words, on to the pics... :o) The b'day gal took so many pics, here's just a few of them...
The Gals --- Winn had a fetish with pics thru wineglasses that nite...
...The b'day gal cutting her cake...
wahhhhhhhhh...heheheh.i tot i went to a wrong site when i saw the title!the pix thru the wineglass quite cool laaaa!
that was my 21st birthday remember. feels good to be young again!:o)
Winn, at June 07, 2006 7:17 AM
haha... yes, we're all having our 21st b'day this yr, Winn :p So nice to be young rite??? :-D
I've been trying to post the group pic but stupid thing won't upload, dunno why. Well, it says it's uploaded but it doesn't show up. So will try again later.
Eh, u took so many pics lar! I dun think can email to u. When we meet up next, remind me to either burn for u or save in thumb drive for u to copy ya?
Ai Ling, at June 07, 2006 7:55 AM
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