Anticipated Serendipity II

Friday, January 13, 2006

Flash of inspiration

JFK dropped by the office just now. She's been busy, setting up her own business and such after leaving the co. She looks really good, like she has a glow about her. I guess that's wat happens when we get to do wat we really like/want.

We (JFK, Charm, myself) got to talking and how we wanna do something on our own as well, and not get stuck working for others our entire lives. JFK had some good ideas when I mentioned that I wanna do something more creative and work with my hands e.g. something to do with makeup, nails, etc. and how I'm thinking abt taking up a course to do proper makeup. I need to do something creative... no intention nor desire to climb further up the corporate ladder anyway. Her ideas just came spilling out on wat I could do and how I could expand my services to manicures/pedicures, hair braiding, face painting... WOW! My brains finally had some work to do today! lol!

I'm quite inspired to look into this avenue coz I feel very stagnant at my current job and if I dun do something soon (i.e. get another job or find something else interesting to do), I really think I'm gonna rot...

Hhhmmm... time to get those rusty wheels to start working... ;o)


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