Anticipated Serendipity II

Sunday, July 30, 2006


An interesting quote that I'd come across in the book that I'm currently reading, Woman's Best Friend...

Our differences weren't a liability; true attachment didn't mean you had to find someone exactly like you.

I like this quote. I think a lot of us go thru life trying to find someone who are most similar to ourselves in the hopes that there will be minimal amount of adjustments, compromises, and sacrifices that need to be made coz the other person is supposed to be like us and thus, should "understand" where we're coming from.

But more often than not, we fail to realize that it's our differences that help make us better people and spice up our lives by making things more interesting. And these differences might just be complements to each other and make the whole more than equal to the sum of its parts (I think that's wat it's called, no?)

Ah well... just a bit of rambling on a lazy Sunday afternoon, after a heavy lunch, hehe...



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