Anticipated Serendipity II

Friday, January 19, 2007

My Secret Life on the McJob

This looks like an interesting read... got it in my mail, regular updates from my alma mater. Unfortunately, it's only available on :-(


This message is being sent on behalf of Dr. Jerry Newman, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Chair, Department of Organization and Human Resources, UB School of Management ________________________________________________________________

Hi All!
My book finally came out! My Secret Life on the McJob (McGraw-Hill, 2007) talks about my undercover job as a crew member in 7 fast food restaurants. The book is available online at For those of you in the area, I'm at Barnes and Noble on Niagara Falls Boulevard , January 27 (Saturday) at noon. Below is the inside cover blurb. Thanks for enduring this blatant sales pitch. Four more copies and it will be an even dozen., lol (PS. The Wall Street Journal just reviewed the book, it's in January 17 edition, section D.)

Once upon a time, a Ph.D. went to work at Mickey D's... And what he found was illuminating. Jerry Newman, a college professor who has taught business courses for nearly 30 years, went undercover as a bottom-rung worker for the biggest names in fast food, including McDonald's
and Burger King. Newman found that fast-food chains were the perfect petri dishes for covert research: High-pressure, high-volume businesses with high-employee turnover. The pecking order was also crystal clear, from fry cook all the way up to store manager. Of the seven restaurants where Newman worked, some were high-morale, high-productivity machines. Others were miserable, misplaced circles of hell. Yet one common trait stuck out from them all: Each restaurant's respective manager determined the climate of the work environment. Go behind the fast food counter with Newman and see what happens on an average day on the "McJob".

Jerry M. Newman
Distinguished Teaching Professor and Chair
Department of Organization and Human Resources
School of Management
SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260
jmnewman [at]


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